Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week Four: Pet Peeves with Stacey Bee!

This week, I'm hosting Stacey Bee in the Mountain Spring House Publishing Blog Tour!  Stacey is a mother of four on the coast of Florida, who writes a little bit of everything-- screenplays, short stories, animation, fiction, children's stories, and more!

Our theme of the week:  Pet Peeves!  This is what Stacey has to say about hers.

Pet Peeves, we all have them ranging from something small to outright rage instances. For a writer pet peeves are major distractions that disrupt our flow of creativity, and can result in a meltdown.
For me, pet peeve #1, begin with missing pens and paper!

I love to write free hand then transfer my writings to my Mac. However, having four kids things like pens and paper have always seemed to have been a free for all for them and a luxury for me. It don’t matter if it is notebook paper or printer paper when my little Picasso’s have art on their mind I can kiss my paper good bye. Then like a mad woman I am running around looking for more, praying to keep my idea fresh in my mind!

Pet peeve #2, When I am happily (or not) writing along and my Mac, iPad whatever decides that it is going to freeze for some reason or shut down because I wasn’t paying attention to my low battery and I cannot work any more. Worse yet, suddenly and all my work is lost. I am forever grateful when I have that hard copy to fall back onto! If not, I will surely loose my mind, and cry at all I have lost.

Pet peeve #3 of mine is when people THINK they KNOW what it is exactly that us writers do… WE JUST WRITE! Sure we are intelligent and well educated but good things take time! They have this grand illusion that we walk up to our computers and pour out our souls like it is nothing to whip up complete books, or movie scripts in minutes. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is painstaking, creative torture some days to get  perhaps even a single complete sentence out, let alone everything we wish to accomplish! Some days we are just a plethora of great ideas or page after page of writing that is sunshine for our souls!

What people don’t realize is that most days to even get to the picture perfect story written or edited  or simply get a decent amount of pages we wish to get out of our brains is impossible enough, let alone have someone discredit our abilities.  Let’s see them create the worlds in which we do!

Pet peeve #4, when a writer looses their writings! It is tragedy when a writer looses their writing. We just want to drop to out knees,  pulling  a Marlon Brando only we scream “Why, why  me?? Dear God why me??? What ever have I done to deserve such malice??? “
It ain’t easy being an non-paid, under paid, under appreciated, not feeling the love  writer……

Stacey's personal blog can be followed at Stacey's Blog.

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