Saturday, June 8, 2013

Blog Tour, week 3: My Routine!

Week Three of the Mountain Springs House Tour for Mountain Spring House Publishing is kicking off today! The theme: 
"Describe your writing routine. Are you more creative in the morning, evening? Do you write when you can? On your commute? Do you have your own workspace or share an area?"
 I am a total night owl.  A good 90% of my writing comes out after 9pm.  I do try to write whenever I can, letting no spare moment going to waste, but I am most productive after most of my household is asleep.  I've always been like that:  sporadic writing during the day, heavy writing after dark.
It's really hard to focus on the task at hand, immersing myself into the plot, setting, or conflict, when I have a toddler, teenager, and husband all jockeying for my attention.  They are all supportive-- well, some more than others, because the toddler doesn't understand-- but that doesn't mean that my writing is more important than them.  The silence in my house after everyone is asleep gives me the uninterrupted window to finish a thought process, at least until my contacts start to flip out of my head or I nearly pass out at the keyboard. 
I wish I had my own workspace, but currently I do not.  My computer is set up in the nook by the kitchen, off of the dining room and living room.  If inspiration strikes while I'm doing my daily tasks, it's no big deal to walk by, type something out, and go back to my routine.  It's a bit of a problem if I want to write or do school work while everyone is milling about, though, since I don't have the privacy or seclusion that I need to write my best.  I'm hoping to replace my broken laptop this next semester, so that I can take my writing with me into another room or even to the library, but until then, my desktop is it.  
I have a dream, though.  Someday we will move to the middle of nowhere with a nice house, and I will have a writing cabin on the property.  Kind of like a mother-in-law cottage, some place where I can lock myself away from the hubbub of my daily life, but not so far away that I have to actually run away from home.  
I’m an Army wife, mom to two beautiful girls, and our diva English Bulldog named Duchess.  I’m also a full time student working toward a BA in English Literature from Grand Canyon University, set to graduate in 2015.  For the moment we call Virginia home, but I’m originally from Central Ohio.  In the last 13 years we’ve lived in Germany, Tennessee, Ohio, Hawaii, Texas, and now Virginia.  

I hope to have my first book completed before the year is out, if the stars all align correctly.  From the first time I opened a book, or maybe as soon as I learned how to write, I have wanted to become a writer.  No matter how often I tried to plan something else to do when I grew up, I always came back to writing. 

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